My Experience In Music

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I am not an amazing musician. I started piano when I was five years old and have been playing since, but I am only an average player. I have a good ear for pitch, but I struggle with even simple melodic dictation. I have been told that I have a natural inclination for music, that I have ‘talent,’ but here’s the thing – I don’t. I am where I am because of struggle; I have struggled to learn music; I have struggled to practice music; I have struggled to accept this part of me. What I have never struggled with, however, is loving music. My music developed like a bud emerging among a maze of vines and blossoms; nurtured by its root, surrounded by an abundance of colleagues, this flower is still, somehow, the one that draws the eye repeatedly. What…show more content…
I have depression, and I have anxiety; I have worked on these most especially during college, and through these I have an acute awareness of my weaknesses. Sometimes it is hard to deal with people, and I struggle, sometimes, with getting up in the morning – but my job in teaching and obligation to rehearsals has always given me reason along with a mood booster; as soon as I actually get there, I know that I will be able to make it through the day. Music has also given me an opportunity to express while also connecting with others, and so this has been an intrinsic piece in learning how to deal with my mental health. For example, I am no longer as worried about social situations, social performances, etc.,because I have learned how to work with my anxiety to function through performances. I am still working on how to present myself so that others will not know or notice, and music has aided me in learning how to perform myself in front of people I am teaching or aiding. It is important to me to do meaningful work, and if I can offer others the same tool that music has for me, I will be
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