Haematoxylum Campechianum Essay

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HEMATOXYLUM CAMPECHIANUM Introduction about the tree: Haematoxylum campechianum is an evergreen, thorny tree that can reach 15 m in height and 60 cm d.b.h. It grows at elevations from sea level to 50 m. The trunk has many shoots, branching off near the base. The sparse, spreading, and rounded crown is made up of many rising and twisted branches. The leaves are paripinnate, 3 to 10 cm long, with four to eight cuneate-obovate leaflets 1 to 3 cm long. In the Yucatan Peninsula, the tree grows primarily in flat terrain with clayey soils, deficient drainage, and periodic flooding—commonly known as low wooded. The regions where the tree grows have an average annual temperature of 26 °C with a maximum temperature of 36.7 °C and a minimum temperature…show more content…
It is a spiny shrub or small bushy tree with binomial name of a flowering tree from the family of fabaceae and the scientific or local name is bloodwood / Logwood or campeachy wood, the words derived from Greek. Leaves alternate, paripinnate, distichous or fascicled on very short branches; stipules partly spine-like; leaflets in 2-4 pairs, obcordate or Obovate,10-35 x 5-25 mm, acute at base, emarginated at apex, closely veined and…show more content…
The flowers are honey bearing. Frequently, the tree is planted around houses as an ornamental because of its colorful flowers. What's unusual is the pinkish ovary in the flower's center. The ovary is lopsided and therefore asymmetrical. It arises inside a whorl of ten stamens with hairy-based anthers, and five petals that seem to be slightly asymmetric themselves, but not much. The corolla's slender tube arises from a cup-shaped calyx. Just looking at the flower, it's hard to say what plant family Logwood belongs to. Fruits: A lanceolate, extremely flattened pod, 3-5 cm long, pointed at both ends, dehiscent not along the sutures but along the median of the sides, usually 2-seeded. ECOLOGY: Logwood is a lowland species which may grow under very different conditions. In Central America it grows best in flat marshy areas often inundated by rivers. In the West Indies, the best wood is common on exposed limestone hillsides in dry secondary

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