Michael Jordan Influences

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Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He rose from being cut on his high school team to being the most accomplished player of all time, essentially conquering the NBA. Michael Jordan attended UNC after receiving a full ride his senior year. Michael Jordan was drafted 3rd in the nba draft, and began his career on the Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan is the most revolutionary basketball player of all time because of his consistent performance throughout his career, his two winning 3-peats of NBA Championships, and his impact on the fashion industry that is still popular and booming in today's world. Michael Jordan is labeled the greatest player of all time for a reason, consistent high caliber performance. Jordan…show more content…
Michael Jordan has also been able to continuously stay relevant even in today’s more wild world of fashion. “The ability to unapologetically stay true to its roots as one of the world's true "urban" brands (it has never distanced itself from the urban and city-driven consumer base) while also advancing technology and still making performance the principal focus of design might be the single greatest asset Jordan has as a brand. In a business and cultural sense, that has allowed the brand to, over the past decades, inundate two markets with one stone,” (Jackson…show more content…
Michael Jordan has put up ridiculous numbers that no one could possibly match. Jordan went 6 for 6 in the NBA Championship, meaning he was clutch enough to never lose in the Finals. Also, Jordan has been able to leave a dent in the fashion universe that no other professional athlete has ever accomplished. Michael Jordan’s legacy is far from over, and his impact in the world is here to stay for many more years to

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