Meta Knowledge Theory

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Ministry of High Education Mazoon College M.Tech Meta-knowledge Done by: Rabaa Khalifa Thaniyan Alamri 1515093 Submitted to: Dr. Shaikh A Khalique Introduction: Meta-knowledge is defined as the knowledge about knowledge. Metaknowledge is about the use and control of domain knowledge in an expert system. It refers to knowledge about the operation of knowledge based system. Realization says that the power is the knowledge. This realization has led to the development of new system called the knowledge base system. This power is gained from the expert knowledge that coded the facts and rules. Knowledge base is separated from the control and inferencing component which makes it easier to add new knowledge or modify an existing knowledge…show more content…
The phenomena that are described are an intrinsic part of human cognition, from remembering to everyday inference making. Their interpretation will require an understanding of the role of computation in cognition in which meta-level structures play a central part. Meta-knowledge and Inference Collins, Warnock, Aieilo and Miller (1975) discuss reasoning from incomplete knowledge," that is, what one can conclude from the fact that one doesn't know something. Since the prerequisite to this kind of reasoning is awareness of not knowing some fact, these inferences relate directly to the "knowing not" studies, and to meta-knowledge. The most thoroughly discussed strategy for making Inferences based on incomplete knowledge is the "lack-of-knowledge" inference, by Carbonell & Collins (1973). The lack-of-knowledge inference is illustrated by asking the question "Is Moldavia one of the United States?" A person may not know what Moldavia is, and may not be able to list the 50 states off the top of his head, but he still might know that if Moldavia were in the United States, he would have heard about it. The lack of knowledge Inference involves both the experience of not remembering the required fact and the inference that if it were true he would remember…show more content…
The theory of knowledge lifecycle has been presented as an effective method to study the whole processes of products design and identify products DNA in the early 1990s. In recent years, this theory has been applied in ICAID system, which is an internet-based design system combined with CAID (Computer Aided Industrial Design) and KBS (Knowledge-based System) technology. The Acquisition of meta-knowledge In the conventional model of products design, knowledge of design is generated in the whole products design process and encoded in the product. The knowledge lifecycle model in diagram below shows the concept of knowledge of design. It was done by a guy named Keiichi Sato. There are two kinds of knowledge in the diagram. One is design knowledge, which is mainly a kind of domain knowledge including design experience and design value. The other is user knowledge, which is a kind of idiographic knowledge including the knowledge of users decoding, operation and experience. The whole knowledge lifecycle can be regarded as an encoding/decoding process of products DNA. Knowledge Lifecycle in Product Lifecycles

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