Message Strategy In Advertising

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Clow, K.E. & Baack, D. (2007) mentioned a message strategy is the primary tactic or approach used to deliver the message theme. There are three categories of message strategies following cognitive strategies, affective strategies and conative strategies. One article wrote by Evic, U. (2011) explained about advertising appeals can be broadly categorized into fear, sex, humor, music, rationality, emotions and scarcity. The seven appeals can recall in memory of consumer lead to positive attitudes. Clow, K.E. & Baack, D. (2007) stated an executional framework is the manner in which an advertising appeal is presented. It has eight frameworks following animation, slice-of-life, dramatization, testimonial, authoritative, demonstration, fantasy and informative Analysis 1. DHL Group Picture 1 : DHL ad from DHL is a global logistics company that is well-known in market. This ad launched on commercial TV in 2006. The story is about two delivery trucks from Fedex and UPS drive on the route to deliver. They have to stopped by railway waiting for train passing. But they have to surprised because the train is carry a lot of DHL trucks passing front of them. According to this…show more content…
In my opinion, they use conative strategy because the ad present two consumer that use Colgate toothpaste and tell the audience how it work and then they have dentist confirm that their toothpaste is very good. The ad make consumer think in positive with brand. At the end of ad, Colgate mention that can get a free product for try. This is a promotional support conative advertisement. They use a rationality appeal present to consumer because in the ad has only conversation that talk about how is Colgate toothpaste work. They use testimonials and authoritative framework because they have two customer present about how is Colgate work and also they have dentist explain about Colgate for

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