Factors Influencing Promotion Mix

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Main factors influencing promotion mix has been briefly discussed as under: 1. Type of Product: Type of product plays an important role in deciding on promotion mix. Product can be categorized in terms of branded products, non-branded products, necessity products, luxury products, new products, etc. All these types of products need different promotional tools. For example, advertising is suitable for the branded and popular products. Personal selling may be fit for non-branded products. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – all four tools – are used for a newly launched product to get a rapid consumer acceptance. 2. Use of Product: Product may be industrial product, consumable and necessity product, or may be luxurious…show more content…
Personal selling is more effective for complex, technical, risky, and newly developed products as they need personal explanation and observation. On the other end, advertising is more suitable for simple and easy-handled products. 4. Purchase Quantity and Frequency: Company should also consider purchase frequency and purchase quantity while deciding on promotion mix. Generally, for frequently purchase product, advertising is used, and for infrequently purchase product, personal selling and sales promotion are preferred. Personal selling and advertising are used for heavy users and light users respectively. 5. Fund Available for Market Promotion: Financial capacity of company is a vital factor affecting promotion mix. Advertising through television, radio, newspapers and magazines is too costly to bear by financially poor companies while personal selling and sales promotion are comparatively cheaper tools. Even, the company may opt for publicity by highlighting certain commercially significant events. 6. Type of Market: Type of market or consumer characteristics determine the form of promotion mix. Education, location, income, personality characteristics, knowledge, bargaining capacity, profession, age, sex, etc., are the important factors that affect company’s promotion strategy. 7. Size of…show more content…
There may be more factors. Promotional strategy should be formulated only after considering the relevant factors. Marketing manager must be aware of these variables. Note that these factors affect different firms in varying degree depending upon its internal and external marketing environment Main factors influencing promotion mix has been briefly discussed as under: 1. Type of Product: Type of product plays an important role in deciding on promotion mix. Product can be categorized in terms of branded products, non-branded products, necessity products, luxury products, new products, etc. All these types of products need different promotional tools. For example, advertising is suitable for the branded and popular products. Personal selling may be fit for non-branded products. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – all four tools – are used for a newly launched product to get a rapid consumer acceptance. 2. Use of Product: Product may be industrial product, consumable and necessity product, or may be luxurious product that affects selection of promotion tools and media. For example, advertising and sales promotion techniques are widely used for consumer goods while personal selling is used for industrial goods. 3. Complexity of

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