Advertising Appeal: Rational And Emotional Appeal

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2.2. Advertising Appeal- Kotler (2003) [36] divided advertising appeal into rational and emotional appeals. The rational appeal depicts the utilitarian benefits and features of the product. The key proposition of rational appeal is consumers’ benefit considering the use of the product. Emotional advertising appeal focuses on meeting consumers’ social, psychological or symbolic requirements. Mostly advertisers use two different advertising appeals-Rational and Emotional. 2.2.1. Rational Appeal- Puto and Wells (1984) [37] denoted rational appeal as informational appeal. The rational appeal has been defined by Stafford and Day (1995) [38] as a presentation of factual information in a distinct way, categorized by objectivity. 2.2.2. Emotional…show more content…
Message appeal refers to the approach used to draw the attention of consumers and/or to influence their feelings toward the product, service or cause, Belch and Belch (2006) [54] Mortimer (2008) [55] emphasized on investigating the relationship between advertising appeal & typology of service. The emotional or transformational appeal can be effective for both business as well as consumer services. At the same time, matching of appeal with the type of service is not necessarily the most effective advertising approach. This research also revealed that the message appeal is one of the advertisement strategy adopted by…show more content…
H5: Emotional appeal is more effective than rational appeal in creating a positive attitude towards brand in the minds of the potential consumer H6: Emotional appeal is more effective than rational appeal in developing purchase intention in the minds of the potential consumer H7: Emotional appeal is more effective than rational appeal in creating a positive attitude towards advertisement in the minds of the potential consumer specifically for experiential services H8: Emotional appeal is more effective than rational appeal in creating a positive attitude towards brand in the minds of the potential consumer specifically for experiential services H9: Emotional appeal is more effective than rational appeal in developing purchase intention in the minds of the potential consumer specifically for experiential services H10: Rational appeal is more effective than emotional appeal in creating positive attitude towards advertisement in the minds of the potential consumer specifically for utilitarian services H11: Rational appeal is more effective than emotional appeal in creating positive attitude towards brand in the minds of the potential consumer specifically for utilitarian

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