Medieval Food Research Paper

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In the Medieval Times, people were not luxurious enough as we are today to have all of the new appliances that we use in our everyday lives such as microwaves, stoves, ovens, and refrigerators. The way the food was cooked was different, the foods that Europeans ate were different, and there was a less variety of food to choose from when it came to cooking. Not everything was that different to how everybody in the world now currently cooks and makes their food today. During the Medieval Times, they handled specific aspects of food a bit differently than today though. This will be proven by looking at what types of foods were used when creating meals, examining the various ways food was prepared, and inspecting what foods were eaten during different times of the day. There were various types of foods that were used to make meals. There was actually a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that were available to people. All the dairy products, bread, meat, and fished were available to pretty much everyone. Adding on to their wide variety, exotic fruits and spices were brought by Arab merchants into markets. When going higher up in classes there were foods were more exclusive as well as glamorous dishes (Adamson, 2004). When it came to grains, wheat was the most highly…show more content…
Saffron was a very common spice used in about a third of the dishes (Adamson, 2004). It was harvested by hand and was grown across the continent. It was considered one of the most expensive spices of the medieval times, as out of 70,000 flowers they were only able to gain one pound of it. Saffron was used in for the preparation of dough, fish, and fowl. With saffron being the most expensive and exclusive spice, pepper was known as the more prevalent spice. When it came to cooking in medieval times, pepper was combined with a wide variety of dishes. For every four dishes that were in a cookbook, three of them contained peppers (Adamson,

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