American Colonies Dbq

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Following the first-half of the seventeen-hundreds, the latter half was almost concentrated on the idea of freedom. Taxation, representation, equality, voting rights, and freedom, all were to become key points of this half of the century. In 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act as way for the colonists to pay for some of the Seven Years’ War (Voices of Freedom, 84). This then enacted a response in the Virginia House of Burgesses whom then passed the following resolutions declaring: “…his Majesty’s colony, [the colonists shall have] all the privileges and immunities… possessed by the people of Great Britain [,]… [colonists] are declared and entitled to all privileges and immunities of natural born subjects,… taxation of the people by themselves, or by persons chosen by themselves to represent them,… have enjoyed the right of being thus governed by their own assembly,” showing not only did the colonists detest the Stamp Act, they stood up for themselves and their desire to govern themselves (Voices of Freedom, 85).…show more content…
An account from a German immigrant wrote to his family, “the land [does not] require payment of tithes[,]… [o]ne can settle wherever one wants without asking anyone when he buys or leases something[,]… [and] no shortage of food,” detailing the vast amount of opportunities America offered to those overseas and freedom to do what one wanted often came alongside it (Voices of Freedom, 54). Following British implementation of the Stamp Act, a group known as “The Sons of Liberty” formed. They lead the effort to boycott British goods until the Stamp Act be repealed. The Sons of Liberty went on document their complaints about the Act with their primary one being, “…no taxes be imposed upon them but by their own consent, or their representatives” (Voices of Freedom,

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