Medical Office Career

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I have chosen to study office administration with my major concentration in the medical office. I I chose this career path because I have held three jobs in my life, the first was in nursing, second was in a business office, and the third was as a manager, so I chose to combine all three of my life experiences into one career that I could have until I retire. The incentives that brought me to my career choice was a little of all three: economic because even though medical office managers do not make a substantial amount of money they do make more than I would have been making if I stayed at any other of my jobs. Social because I will get to meet a wide range of new people each day and I have always had a soft spot for taking care of…show more content…
I have been to several medical offices where I just want to grab the person I am talking to and say hey you’re here to help me not make my day worse I want to be the person that is always smiling and trying to help make people’s lives better during their tough time. Medical Offices is something that will never go away we are always going to need medical offices and as our population increases the supply of new medical offices will increase as well. In addition to the increase in population there is also an increase in specialist. Years ago people went to one doctor for everything, now in today’s world and tomorrow we have several people who specialize in different parts of medicine which also will cause the demand for new medical offices to go up. It is required to have an associate’s degree with some employers preferring to have a bachelor’s degree as well. Once you have been hired you will have to complete on-the-job training with possibly more schooling as technology advances. ( The projected growth rate from 2012 to 2022 is 12% for first-line supervisors. The Median Salary in 2013 was $50,190 a year for first-line supervisors, with the top 10% making more than $81,480 per year.

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