Professor Tack Teacher

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There is so much information underneath the guise of each and every professor. I think that everyone has a misconception of professors. Most hear the word professor and can’t help but visualize an intimidating man who stands in front of a lecture class babbling about confusing information, and has no life outside of the classroom walls. This is completely false, most students don not know the life that exists inside each professor Professors are people too, and I had the pleasure to chat with Professor David Tack. Professor Tack was got an undergrad and masters degree at MSUM, then received his doctorate at UND. He personally chose MSUM because he knew he had to get off the farm he lived on in East Grand Forks. Not only was it the perfect…show more content…
He gave teaching a shot, and immediately had that gut feeling and new it was the profession he wanted for the rest of his life. He had never felt more comfortable in any position or job he had ever had. It was very difficult for him to think of the hardest part of his job. Professor Tack explained the hardships of dealing with the workload that comes along with teaching, but the worst part was dealing with broken students. He is always saddened when students who are not physically, mentally, or emotionally healthy come to his office for advice. He loves the fact that the students feel comfortable enough with him, but it is heartbreaking to deal with. Professor Tack believes that being a professor is definitely such a rewarding task. He strongly thinks that the best thing is simply teaching. He loves getting the opportunity to engage and listen to each and student. Not only does he love the teaching aspect, but everything that comes with it. He is heavily involved with PA enouncing for athletic events, plays a ton of music, and reads from his collection of over 5,600 books. The most important thing in his life though is his family. His two kids and wife always have his

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