Diagnostic Careers

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Registered nurses, diagnostic medical sonographers, healthcare administrators, and biomedical equipment technicians are careers in healthcare. Each career has responsibilities, educational requirements, advantages, and disadvantages. Starting off with registered nurses, they have demanding jobs. Treating Patients, educating others, and providing support is all a part of the job. Many nurses work in healthcare facilities, like hospitals. In order to become a registered nurse, a bachelor's science degree, associate's degree, or diploma is required. Also, the person that wants to become a registered nurse must graduate from an approved nursing program and they have to pass the National Council Licensure Examination. Other qualifications include…show more content…
How do they treat patients? Diagnostic imaging machines are used to direct high frequency waves into the body and then images are produced. Diagnostic medical sonographers typically work in healthcare facilities, but some travel to several healthcare facilities in an area. For educational requirements, an associate's degree or bachelor's degree can be obtained in two or four year programs. In addition, training usually takes place in hospitals. Licensure is not required for this career, but American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography certifies each person that takes the exam. Other qualifications include good communication skills, interpersonal skills, good hand-eye coordination, and they have to enjoy life long learning. An advantage about this career is that it's expected to grow 18 percent by 2018 because of the increase of needing medical conditions diagnosed, the baby-boom, and people remaining active later in life. A couple disadvantages are lifting things and standing for a long time is a part of the job. Also, Diagnostic medical sonographers have to be on call and they sometimes work…show more content…
They repair, adjust, and maintain equipment. Working doesn’t take place in an office like health care administrators. Instead, most biomedical equipment technicians travel to different places to fix equipment. In this career, the type of degree they go for will depend on the type of machines they will work on. An associate's degree equals less complicated machines and on the job training. A bachelor's degree means more complicated machines and they observe experienced repairers for 3 to 6 months. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation certifies them, but they have to have a combination of education and experience before they take the exam. Other qualifications include, communication skills, mechanical skills, technical skills, troubleshooting skills, and physical stamina. An advantage about this career is that it is expected to grow faster because of the increasing demand for biomedical equipment technicians as the complexity of hospital equipment increases. A disadvantage about this career is that traveling may be long

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