Personal Statement: A Career In Helping Young Children

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Growing up I have always known that I have wanted to pursue to my career in helping young children in one way or another, whether it be as a teacher, a coach, counselor, or therapist of any sort. All I knew was that helping and working with young children is what I wanted to do. Now that I am a senior in high school getting ready to begin pursuing my career in either occupational therapy or as a child life specialist I know what it is that I want to achieve in my life. Coming from such a small town I am given various opportunities to go out and work with young children, considering that I am in numerous different sports and organizations. With both being an athlete and being on the drill team I get to work with young children all the time. Due to being a responsible athlete I am asked to work different camps throughout the year in our community, with helping young children become better athletes in the sports that they love. Sports is something I have grown up playing so helping children while playing is…show more content…
The way it is for me is that if I have school work to do I always get it done before going to any extracurricular activity knowing that it is more important and is for the better of myself and my schooling. Considering that I have grown up with this mindset I know this will help me out in the future when it comes to my school work in college. Someone who does not have the right mindset towards their academics and puts everything before them will defiantly not achieve their goals with out any problems and that is not how things will flow for me. Being that I have had this academic routine for a while it will not be difficult for me while trying to achieve my life time goals. With my routine I have going now, I feel that my future academics will not be as difficult due to me being trained and

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