Mars One Research Paper

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NASA along with corporations including “Mars One: are interest in developing colonization on Mars. According to Mars One, a corporation the Sic Billion dollar expedition will be financed by donations and sponsors. This company plans to expedite the one way trip, while NASA is aiming for departure to the planet by 2030, which is funded by government agencies. During the six month trip, the moment of astronauts will be limited, causing many physical complication such as muscle, and bone retention. Along with physical complications comes the lack of access to necessary nutrition, and the exposure to space radiation. These aspects can have many live long effects on the astronauts, and can even result in fatality. Low gravity, which is a trait Mars possesses, can have great impacts on the human body. From muscles to bone loss, gravity is an essential part of a person’s survival. The gravity creates tension to the muscles, which result in growth. The impact of low gravity will always result in muscle and bone loss, the amount is to be determined. Not only is the…show more content…
While fresh food during the trip to Mars are not viable options, once landed the source of fresh food must be grown only. The importation of food are not options due to the conditions the food must go through, and length of time to be transported. The diet while in transit will mostly contain “stored food: and will have emergency portions of this food while their stay on Mars. Upon landing, astronauts are expected to build structures to accommodate growth of plants. These plants are to be the main food source of the astronauts, considering they grow in the climate. Mars receives about half of the sunlight as earth, and will have many obstacles to grow successfully in addition. Not only will the sunlight factor contribute to the growth, or lack thereof, the overall environment on Mars in not conducive to successful growth of Earthling
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