White Delinquency Research Paper

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Juveniles of color overstress the importance of being acceptable and valued. Intentional, or unintentional, there is a consistent pattern of victimization amongst juveniles who are minorities, than White juveniles. Since the 18th century to present time, evidence prove strategic divide against juveniles of color. Regardless of negative perceptions toward juvenile delinquents, the United States justice system must be nondiscriminatory, providing equal treatment in order to be effective. It is important to consider how juvenile are affected socially and psychologically. Systematic racism toward juveniles of color may be the cause of maltreatment and unequal convictions. On the other hand, socioeconomic status and at-risk behaviors can be a factor…show more content…
American History, since the 18th century, reveals the intentional maltreatment of juveniles. White Supremacy dominated the laws of the Southern states. Colonialist supported the Indian Removal Act of 1830 by President Andrew Jackson. During this time period, Native American juveniles never had an opportunity to exercise their legal rights to a fair trial. Instead, the Natives were commonly shot to death or scalped by confederate leaders who adopted theories of White Supremacy. Although the Bill of Rights was established to protect the people of America, the Amendments were not applied to Black youths. In the 19th century, many cases of Black males, as young as 12, were lynched by hanging, simply for staring at White women. Incongruently, White males were often taken to religious confinement for similar acts, showing…show more content…
Determining the consequence of a minor may vary based on age, seriousness of offense, school grades, parental controls, evidence, and delinquent history. When juveniles get into trouble from criminal behavior, police are supposed to either issue a warning. Issuing a warning is often called “counsel and release”. Depending on the crime, police will choose to detain the juvenile and then release the minor to a parent or guardian. Lastly, the police will place the juvenile in custody and issue a court hearing. For all youths, in a court hearing, when juveniles are suspected from committing a crime, there is a different procedure, unlike adult courts. Although procedures vary by state, judges often look at records to see if the juvenile committed similar crimes, or if there is a pattern in criminal behaviors. Selective treatment of delinquency, differential opportunities, and biased assessments, are examples of systematic racism in the justice system. Crime scene investigators often interrogate and scold juvenile suspects of color. Statistically, there is a huge divide in arrests of juveniles who are White males. According to The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology by Neil G. Ribner, The number of Juvenile delinquency in Black males will increase to 19 percent, Native American to 17 percent,

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