Comparing Oedipus And The Sphinx

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The story of the Grey King is a lot like the story of Oedipus and the Sphinx . In both of the stories they are both trying to do something like Oedipus is trying to get into a city, Will and Brian are trying to get a golden harp and trying to stop modern day evils. Allso, they both are answering riddles like in Oedipus and the Sphinx Oedipus is trying to get into a city . In the story of the Grey King Will and Brian are trying to answer riddles to get a golden harp. In both stories Will and Oedipus know that if they don't answer the riddle correctly they will die in Oedipus and the Sphinx Oedipus would get eaten by the Sphinx. In the Grey King Will and Brian would be trapped in the mountain. These are just some of the reasons why the

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