Volkswagen Marketing Plan

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Executive summary Marketing of new or existing business products is critical to the success of the business. Marketing a product require critical analysis of the different aspects in the market such as industry trends, business environmental analysis, completive analysis among other aspects in marketing. This report examines the marketing plan for Lamborghini car a product of Volkswagen Corporation. The first part of the report captures description of the product including the market needs that the product seeks to satisfy. The current marketing mix for the product is outlined in the first part of this report. Understanding of the current marketing mix for the product will guide the plan in identifying areas that need improvements to enable…show more content…
The company has a highly skilled human resource that can be used to create new products in the market. The company has a strong development and research team that continue to work on improving AuthorLastName12 the quality of company products. The team has a good record of producing quality products in terms of environmental compatibility and functionality. The company has strong design team in various markets that design products that are customized to meet the local customer needs. Volkswagen Company has strong financial base which makes it more competitive in the market. The company can utilize its strong financial base to attract the most skilled employees to the organization through providing competitive remunerations. The resources can also be used by the company to carry out intensive research to develop more innovative products in the market. Volkswagen is better positioned to enter into a strategic partnership with other no competitors to exploit more markets and increase productivity. Weaknesses Poor performance in North America and Africa is one of the major weaknesses that the company faces. The company is also affected by low productivity of its employees as compared to some of its major…show more content…
Stiff competition in the industry is likely to lead into price wars that will eventually decrease the industry profits. Strict regulations and heavy taxes imposed on the car companies as a result of environment degradation present a great threat to better performance of the company. A future threat to economic crises such as the one experienced in 2008 is likely to have adverse effects to the industry. 3.0 Marketing objectives The company aims at becoming an automotive global market leader within the next ten years. The company aims at producing more environmental friendly products to increase acceptance of the products in the market. Environmental consciousness continues to rise as more campaigns are initiated by different governments to reduce environmental degradation through transport. More customers are becoming conscious about the need to conserve the environment for sustainable development. Volkswagen aims at producing more innovative products such as electric vehicles to address the changing consumer needs and diversify their
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