Marketing Assignment: The Buyer Decision-Making Process In Marketing

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Marketing Assignment The buying decision The Buyer Decision Processes are the decision-making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service. John Dewey, an American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer introduced 5 stages through which consumer go through before considering a purchase. These are as follows: .Problem or need recognition .Information search .Evaluation of alternatives .Purchase .Post-purchase behavior Problem or need recognition This is the first and foremost stage of the Consumer Decision Process where the consumer needs to identify his problem or need and being able to make the decision accordingly, choosing what product…show more content…
It is vital to note that consumers evaluate alternatives in terms of the all the functional and psychological advantages which they offer. The company also needs to inspect other brands of the customer’s deliberation set to arrange the right plan for its own brand. During this stage, consumers can be notably influenced by their viewpoint as well as the degree of attachment that they might have with the product. For example, if the customer attachment is more, he will evaluate several brands, whereas if it’s less he may only consider one brand. If the involvement is less, the buying activity is usually persistent, continual to a certain extent and there is generally little difference between the brands. Strong attachment does not exist between the consumer and the brand. Promotions are uncomplicated and repetitive. Contrarily, high involvement buying involves products with many differences. The behavior is more complicated and the research is generally done in a detailed manner. At the end, consumers must be able to efficiently judge the worth of all the products or brands in their evoked set before they jump on to the next step of the decision process.…show more content…
It can be observed when the buyer may experience feelings of post-purchase psychological tension, concern or anxiety. For example, the customer might be forced to reconsider that whether he has made the right decision or not. The advertisement of competitive product may also make them question their decision. A customer's need for a particular product could have been vanish, most probably resulting from a change of heart or desires. Some companies now choose to engross their consumers with post-purchase communications in an attempt to influence their feelings about their current and future purchases. Presenting money back guarantees also aid to extend and enhance post-purchase communications between the company and its customers. Other examples include invitations to become part of a special and specified group of consumers who buy a certain product. Another example is when customers are questioned for their contact information at the point of bargain so they can be targeted later with a follow-up call that acts as a checkup on the product’s performance and consumer gratification. This strategy could help influence or reduce feelings of cognitive dissonance or “buyer’s remorse” following a product

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