Literature Review On Social Media Marketing

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The world is changing all around us, new technological advances are being introduced every day, so it's important to understand how to implement new technologies in business processes, moreover one of the main technologies that affected business processes is social media (Kluemper,Mitra,&Wang,2016:154).Living in a very competitive market, companies and small businesses should realize the importance of preserving their current customers and in most cases these companies must seek to increase their customer loyalty(Mcmullan&Gilmore,2008:1084). As a fast and easy way to transfer and receive information social media has been one of the main aspects of marketing thus forming "Social media marketing"(Patino,Pitta&Quinones,2012:234) This study will…show more content…
The first chapter will be discussing social media marketing by giving a brief definition and listing the types of social media tools, it will also discuss how web 2.0 improved social media marketing by giving a definition of web 2.0 and its application and last but not least the first chapter will discuss the marketing strategies used on social media. The second chapter will be mainly taking about customer loyalty by defining customer loyalty and listing it's two types and the four categories of loyalty and the last section will be discussing the benefits of customer loyalty. The third chapter will be mainly talking about the effects of social media marketing on customer loyalty by listing the factors that are used…show more content…
A large percentage of companies use web traffic on social bookmarking sites in order to increase its marketing efforts. Web trafficking is increasing the amount of data sent and received by users to a the company's web site. There are many ways in which a company can increase its website's traffic but the main way is using bookmarking websites, so the more traffic there is, the more likely the company's website or webpage will pop up thus widening the marketing campaign of any company
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