Literature Review On Organizational Leadership

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Introduction: This article is an empirical review of 123 previously written articles. Literature pertaining to organizational leadership, organizational learning methods and organizational leadership styles were purposely selected. Authors Bapuji and Crossan (2004) composed this article in an attempt to learn new developments in organizational leadership; purposefully selecting literature written between the years of 1990 and 2002. The article is intended to encourage higher thinking of organizational leadership methods, styles, and new research ideas for the field itself. This is not a ‘research article’; only a review and discussion of prior literature. Thesis: Authors deal primarily with theoretical analysis of organizational leadership;…show more content…
Bapuji &Crossan (2004) aimed to share their thoughts, opinions and future research ideas through this article. While some points they presented were critical of organizational research gaps, the intention is to improve the field not to tear it down. Main Points: Materials: This article is a literature analysis. Authors used an electronic citation search to select the 123 papers for review. Bapuji & Crossan’s (2004) entire literary analysis is based upon secondary material published between the years 1990-2002. Primary documents for this review were composed of secondary materials (i.e., all articles, book references, and studies have been conducted by separate researchers), historical accounts of OL research discussed how OL has evolved into a recognizable field of study. Main Points: Authors noted the following about the current state of organizational leadership as a discipline: 1) Empirical research has witnessed phenomenal growth since the late 1990s. “The number of citations indicates that the impact of this research has also been high (Bapuji & Crossan, 2002, Pg…show more content…
However I believe the information provided can be seen as conflicting or misleading to readers. Bapuji & Crossan (2004) did not present objective evidence, they combined the findings of previous studies into another ‘study of literature’. I believe as they filtered through articles, the selected ones had to align with their assumptions, biases, and future research goals. Bapuji & Crossan point to what topics will be covered and in which order they will be presented within the first pages of their review: “We begin by providing an overview of our review procedure, briefly describing some of the debates raised in prior reviews of the literature. Second, we discuss the growth in empirical research and the emergence of a learning perspective. Then, we review the research on external and internal learning, followed by the research on the contextual variables that influence learning. Finally, we present the overall trends in the literature, discuss their implications and provide directions for future research (Bapuji & Crossan, 2002, page

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