SFD Initiatives

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Introduction: Sport has often been viewed as an agent linked to the constructive development of individuals and as a mechanism that can foster social change within communities. This research intends to examine the relationship between sport for development (SFD) programs and Aboriginal peoples by critically exploring the historical and concurrent structure of Aboriginal sport initiatives in Canada. To this end, Foucault’s concepts of biopower, panoptic surveillance, docile bodies, and technologies of the self will be incorporated in order to reveal how colonial-power is reproduced through the institution of sport and specifically SFD initiatives. Given this, it is my hope that a more holistic understandings of the subtle ways in which power…show more content…
Correspondingly, it is my intention to conduct ethnographic research by first constructing a purposive sample, which integrates the perspectives of male Aboriginal youth who have been involved in various SFD initiatives. In addition, I will also construct a sample consisting of SFD program facilitators and designers. With respect to both groups, qualitative data will be collected through transcribed, intensive interviewing that incorporates open-ended, face-to-face interviews in order to gain a more holistic view of the Aboriginal youth sport experience. Though not without its ambiguities, this will enable me to provide a vivid portrayal of the multifaceted ways wherein race, identity, culture, and, power intersect through SFD programs. Moreover, the qualitative data collected through the aforementioned techniques will be used to draw meaningful understandings of the impact that SFD programs have on Aboriginal youth. Given this, I will be drawing on content analysis as a primary tool to analyze the data, which will involve making the interviews into text and subsequently categorizing and classifying specific variables by…show more content…
The APP included recognition of the importance of Aboriginal cultures in the effective expansion of sport, the significance of health advancement for Aboriginal peoples, and increasing Aboriginal sport participation through community driven solutions (Canadian Heritage, 2005; Te Hiwi 2014). Yet, despite the growth of SFD programs in Canada through non-government organizations (NGO’s) such as Right to Play and irrespective of the promising nature of the APP, a strategy to facilitate these objectives was never entrenched or implemented (Hayhurst, 2009; Paraschak, 2012; Te Hiwi,

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