Reactive Crime Prevention

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ANALYSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POVERTY AND THE INCREASING LEVELS OF VIOLENT CRIMES IN OLD NALEDI, GABORONE, BOTSWANA Acknowledgements Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1 Abstract 3 Introduction 3 • Background of the study 3 • Statement of the problem 5 • Rationale 5 Research Aims, Objectives and Questions 6 • Aims 6 • Objectives 6 • Questions 7 • Hypotheses 7 Methodology 7 Analysis and discussion of findings 8 Abstract Focus on pro-active crime prevention strategies against the prevalence of criminal activities has been overplayed by the significant reliance on the reactive crime prevention strategies. So far, the increasing pattern of crime but more specifically violent crimes has not triggered investigation into the underlining…show more content…
To execute the study in terms of the stated objectives, data was collected in the slum of Old Naledi, Gaborone with the assistance of my older sister (Keletso Masole). The point of including a female assistant in the collection of data was an attempt to balance out the gender issues that might arise during the collection of data. This was especially important since it was envisaged that the majority of the victims of violent crimes were…show more content…
This innumerable number of pubs corroborates with the fact that deprived and usually unemployed individuals tend to use alcohol as way of passing time and also as a means of forgetting or coping with the stresses which are associated with their poor living conditions. According to certain literature alcohol also has the ability to incapacitate an individual’s reasoning ability, rendering him/her vulnerable to poor decision making and it is this decision making that result in the escalating numbers of violent crimes in Old Naledi. According to articles on local newspapers, another influential social constraint that has an effect on the high number of violent crimes in Old Naledi is that fact that there is an significant level of drug use and drug sale within the community and the drug that is mostly common within the settlement is marijuana mainly due to its cheap nature as well as the fact that it is easily available. In relation to analysis and
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