Reengineering Methodology

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Reengineering methodologies Methodology is basically the frame work and the road map that can be used to implement the reengineering relying on the most successful practices, so we shall discuss three main models A- Hammer and Champy Model Hammer and Champy assumed that the poor managerial practices and objectives as a fundamental problems to BPR success, but basically they failed to give enough consideration to the human sources side however recently the awareness and managing of people’s resistance has been considered as major obstacle to a successful BPR implementation . Hammer and Champy created a methodology for BPR, which was developed by Champer’s Consultant Company. The six phases of the methodology can be summarized as below:…show more content…
The vision gives the way to how the organization is going to perform and it highlights expected results those have to be achieved. This statement can be used during a BPR execution, as a reminder and a fundamental corner stone of reengineering objectives and efforts, also as a root for creating ther metrics those will be used in measuring the progress of the project The creation and the communication of the business case and the vision statement is the leader’s responsibility, who should be sure the vision is simple and easy to understand to all the organizations’ team from the senior levels to the direct levels. 2. Identification of Business Processes In this phase, the mcoreost important business processes are spotted and are explaibed from a global perspective by utilizing a set of process maps, processes’ map is a graph that explains the work flaws, dependcies, sequances and also the output along with added value to each step, one of these tactics is the network…show more content…
Selection of Business Processes It is not visible to work on reengineering all the high level processes and procedures of an organization at one time. Therefore, it very critical when it comes to decided which are the processes to be redesigned at first. The selection comes always to the most problematic processes those contribute with the higher impact to customers with good chances to be successfully reengineered, and also has the impact on the organization’s objectives. Depending on the organisation’s strategic objectives more criteria could be defined for selecting processes for redesign, such as whether a process has its add value to customer’s satisfaction or not since this criteria is highly critical since it affects the customers. 4. Understanding of Selected Business Processes Before proceeding to redesign, the reengineering team needs to have a clear understanding of the existing selected processes, concerning how they work, how good their performance is, the constraints those governs them. Current process analysis and documentation is not a part of the scope of this phase. The objective is conducting a high level view of the process in order to make the team gains the logic that the existing processes were built according to and that will helpful to understand the level of benefits they deliver in order to consider for the new ones
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