examination i.e. descriptive, explanatory and exploratory. For extra thinking for the particular realities and for modifying the nice relationship between variables of the examination focus on, the exploratory examination is capable in these examination methodologies. Exploratory examination is portrayed as the beginning examination into a hypothetical or theoretical thought. This is the spot a researcher has a thought or has investigated something and tries to audit more and collect information about the theme
In finding answers to these questions, the researcher will use a combination of case study and grounded theory methodologies. On one hand, case study is a research methodology distinct from other social science methods such as experiments, quasi-experiments, surveys, histories and statistical analysis of archival data. The distinctive feature of case study method is best described by Yin (2009) when he defines it as “an empirical inquiry about a contemporary phenomenon, set within its real-world
experience, I believe that Process Excellence will be a great Success when it is more of Science mixed with Art. Process excellence is a slogan to describe the set of improvement methods such as Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Business Process Reengineering, and technology driven Business Process Management with the objective of improving operational performance. There has been a great attention dedicated to the science of deploying each of these various improvement methods. Indeed, these methods
1. INTRODUCTION ERP system covers virtually every aspect of organizational work and requires integration of business processes. Not knowing concrete reasons of success and especially failures in implementing the ERP, can cost the lack of strategic and operational benefits for their owners. During the era of information nowadays most of the institutions of higher education (IHE) need automation of academic and administrative processes. For many institutions the new challenging situation occurs. Most
School of Commerce Bharathiar University Bharathiar University Coimbatore -646 046 Coimbatore -646 046 Abstract: The article deals with main concepts of corporate restructuring and reengineering. Firstly, the term restructuring is defined and the concept of corporate restructuring is explained. Secondly, the spheres of corporate restructuring are suggested and discussed. Finally, the term revitalization is cleared and the idea of corporate
INTRODUCTION The main aim of this report is to describe what are the best practices in policy development and what are the problems they are trying to solve. Thus, the case study chosen is the E-Government initiatives / policy on Government Employee Management System (GEMS) and to be compared to EG-HRMIS Malaysia. According to BAG Network, GEMS is known as the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Project before. It is an interactive, web-based Human Resource Management System lead by the Public
The Agile software development methodology is one of the systematic and disciplined approaches followed in software engineering to deal with adaptability. Organizations evolve. They need to adapt to the growing needs of the business. Agile emphasizes on team work. These principles and practices impact knowledge building, sharing and consequently the overall development of the organization. There are a number of practices for agile. XP (Extreme programming), SCRUM, DSDM to name a few. One such practice
6.1 PHYSIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION 6.1.1 Appearance Naproxen sodium a gift sample from Cipla ltd., was found to be white, odourless and crystalline powder. 6.1.2 Solubility of Drug in different solvents Naproxen sodium is freely soluble in water & methanol. It is practically insoluble in chloroform & toluene 6.2 FLOW PROPERTIES OF THE DRUG The flow properties of naproxen sodium for various parameters such as bulk density, tapped density, Carr’s index, Hausner’s ratio are shown in table 6.1. it
Tesco has business concerned to technology and it is changing continuously. Adopting change in accordance to technology advancement is significant for company. Tesco focuses to change organization’s values, structure, beliefs, and attitudes, so that change can be adopted for example new market, competitor or technology. Tesco involves following models in organization in order to increase effectiveness. Business Process Re-engineering “Complete re-engineering, rethinking and redesigning of business
2.7.Quality Management Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry(1985) define five dimensions in service quality: - Reliability - Responsibility - Assurance - Empathy - Tangible Customer use these five elements to judge the service quality, which are base on the comparison of their expectation and actual perception. Total Quality Management(TQM) is the philosophy commonly used to ensure high quality of service. It highlights that quality is defined by customer, it is a responsibility of all employees