Examples Of Group Reflection

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The strengths perspective was by far the most impactful framework throughout this group. When brainstorming for this group I noticed that these individuals are strong people with stories that have made them warriors. Therefore, I wanted to base my comments on this idea. When a high school student would share something that was personal, I made sure to enforce that by them sharing was brave and appreciated. This allowed them to feel heard and strengthen. Over time this would allowed the members to continue to do so making the environment safe for sharing their situations. Interpreting and responding is an area that would change of my role. I lacked in using some basic skills that could have improved the sessions. For example, summarizing would have been a very good skill to use. By…show more content…
And several elements that could be improved or added to my skills. For example, I felt like my group idea was good and new scenario to the normal ones. My descriptions where nice for the individuals in the group. I attached the purpose to something that I am very passionate on allowing me to show more passion and enjoy the experience. I did a good job at allowing everyone to be heard and know that they are valuable. Including everyone was also a part of the session. Besides the emotional and interacting piece of the session, I took care of everything on my list. I introduced myself well, shared the purpose, and went over safety and structure in the group. Lastly, I like to believe that I was charming and kept the conversation going well. Along with the positives of the group session I also have some things that I need to work on. My confidence, preparation, and effectiveness are area of improvement. I lack in confidence and that has been impacting my ability to perform to the best of my abilities. I get into my head and that does not allow me to think clear and react to different situations that are not
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