Indian English Literature Analysis

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Most of the Indian English novels of recent times written by migrant writers have chosen materials for their art from contemporary Indian socio-cultural situations. They also undertake the exploration of the relationship between the East and the West. It has become a recurring theme in contemporary Indian English fiction because of the nature of the linguistic medium the novelist uses. Fictional reworking of mythology and history has given new significance and possibilities to the Indian English novel writings. Amitav Ghosh often returns to Indian history and mythology. Midnight’s Children, Shame and The Moor’s Last Sigh deal with the complex working of the Muslim psyche caught up in the historical and cultural web of the Indian subcontinent.…show more content…
It attracted some critical attention, including an endorsement from the influential critic and novelist Anthony Burgess. This work could be characterized as an episodic, picaresque novel in three parts (Mondal 2007, 7) . The parts are linked by the protagonist, Alu, who flees the Indian authorities after being falsely accused of terrorist activity, the intelligence officer, Jyoti Das, who is trying to capture him and a book, The Life of Pasteur, by René Vallery-Radot. The general motif running through the novel is that of weaving as the method for creating connections by intertwining various discursive…show more content…
Chased from Bengal to Bombay and on through the Persian Gulf to North Africa by a bird-watching police inspector, Alu encounters along the way a cast of characters as various and as colorful as the epithets with which the author adorns them. The reader is drawn into their lives by incidents tender and outrageousand all compellingly told. Ghosh is as natural a weaver of words as Alu is of cloth, deftly interlacing humor and wisdom to produce a narrative tapestry of surpassing beauty. A picaresque tale, with comic and intellectual overtures, The Circle of Reason tells the story of the orphan Alu, adopted by his elderly uncle, a teacher in a small Indian village. Balaram Bose had been a brilliant student, but his obsession with rationalism has declined into a fanatical study of phrenology. After measuring Alu’s lumpy head, he has him apprenticed as a weaver, where he soon surpasses even his

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