English In Literature

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“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become… C. S. Lewis In this ever developing world, education particularly literature education plays as a fundamental necessity for each and every one of us in order to constantly be abreast and equipped with wider range of knowledge regarding the aspects of life and have the access to other cultural background to produce millennials who are not only resourceful and competent, but also who possess high moral standards so that they have the ability to function more effectively in the future. In correlation of the National Education…show more content…
Through the texts selection, it is ostensible that the level of English used is comprehensible and preferable for both students and teachers. For example, the poem Sad I Ams by Tevor Millum provides simple word choices with meaningful insights. In order to meet the needs of using English language accordingly, the proficiency level of English can be enhanced through thorough reading, pantomime and role play or through other approaches such as drilling or communicative approach which focus more on student centered rather than teacher centered. 92% of students believed that by reading literary texts in English they would be able to expose to many new words and more than 80% of the students thought that they could improve their proficiency level in the English language through the literature lessons (Abdullah, Zakaria, Ismail, Wan Mansor & Abdul Aziz, 2007). In a way, students can also enjoy analyzing the literary works while learning the moral values promoted in it. Since the texts chosen are based on various themes, students are able to discuss their personal understandings collaboratively and critically with others and they can be more expressive in terms of sharing and…show more content…
Literature is the luxury of the mind. Soni (2012) claimed that lifelong learning is about keeping all kinds of abilities, interests and knowledge to promote knowledge progression and competences in valuing all sorts of learning. With such way of learning, students are eager to know and learn more things in depth and this can gradually develop their level of curiosity and wonder other than enabling their minds to view things with multitude perspectives. In regards to the texts selection, students’ cognitive abilities are positively triggered since they practice on how to express their ideologies critically using their imaginations. The poem I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby is the perfect example that we can use to trigger our students’ thoughts. Students generally can utilize their cognitive abilities to be good problem solvers in real life situation. On the other hand, one’s set of thinking can be further developed because of the fact that they allow their minds to relate to things around them. In nurturing this sense of discovery in students, Dwight L. Burton (1965) places an emphasis on the importance of relating the work in a literary piece to the students’ own experience. If similarities in experience occur, students’ intrinsic motivation to learn English literature can be spiced up. According to a research conducted by Abdullah, Zakaria, Ismail, Wan Mansor and Abdul Aziz (2007),
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