Library Utilization

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AVAILABILITY AND UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES IN CENTRAL LIBRARY NIMS UNIVERSITY CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The fundamental purpose of the University Library is to support the aims and objectives of the University, for which is to develop teaching, research and learning. University library is meant to serves all the categories of its users; undergraduates, post-graduates, lecturers and other members of the university community. The reputation of a university is measured largely by the quality of its library standard because of its unique role in the university system. There can never be the existence of any university without a library since library is the heart of every university and its…show more content…
A person that uses something in someplace either somewhere meant to achieve his or her purposes is a utilizer or user. In the same predicament, one can state that those who make use of the library resources for their benefits are library clientele or users. Likewise, those who enter the library and find such library materials useful are library users. Whittaker (2005) indicated that, a user as “a person who uses one or more of library services at least once a year. Subsequently, people who go either to the private, public, special school or academic libraries for some genuine reasons, requiring the attention of the library staff, are known as the library patrons or utilizers. Library users in the universities can be divided up administratively into internal and external users. The internal users consist of undergraduates, post-graduates, lecturers, research fellows and other members of the tertiary institutions, while also the external users are those who are not members of the institution, but are also served by the libraries but under certain specific official…show more content…
The Library makes available and accessible to its user’s information resources needed for teaching and learning. By offering instruction in the use of Library and bibliographical resources, the Library participates in the transition of knowledge. The library which had a capacity for 2500sq. approximately readers and about 16,193 volumes of book, library contained approximately 30,000 volumes of books and 3891 volumes of journals. The library is presently headed by a librarian Dr. Rajeev Vashistha. It has a total of about twelve (12) staffs made up of five (5) professionals and seven (7) para-professionals. It has a reading capacity to accommodate 500 readers at a time. There has been no study on availability and utilization of Library resources and services in central library NIMS university Jaipur and it is for this reason that, the present study was undertaken. The select of central library NIMS university defamations in the fact that it is a University with higher number of students, lecturers and researchers with bias and its investigation will enable us know the extent of library use by students, lecturers and researchers and their information resources available and services to it is patron’s impediments of library use by

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