Supply Chain Operations Case Study

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ANSWER 1 Supply chain operations- It refers to the systems, structures and processes which help in planning and executing the transportation of goods and services from supplier to customer. DISRUPTIONS may be caused by - Natural disasters and extreme weather conditions. Political unrest The rising cost of insurance and trade finance. Example of a recent operation and supply chain disruption - Toyota, which is one of the world’s biggest-selling automaker suspended its production at plants across Japan (mainly in kumamoto) after earthquakes ( 22nd march,2016) in the country which resulted in insufficiency of part. The earthquakes exposed the sensitivity of the supply chain technique used by Toyota. It led to suspension of operations in…show more content…
MEASURES which could be taken by a company to avoid such disruptions - Start standardizing more parts across various models which will help in in-house production (ie conducting an activity within a company, instead of outsourcing them to other companies) at other plants during emergencies. Supply chain visibility system can help the company to drive the operational agility (ie a company's capacity to find and catch opportunities to ameliorate its operations and processes) required to avoid disruptions. Expanding the use of data-sharing platforms will help the company in identifying risk and having a better response towards disruptions. Flexible response strategies will help in quick decision making related to disruption. Supply chain operators should be able to combine both the data’s ie external and internal data so that they can take rapid actions to minimize the impact of disruptions. Transparent organizational structures which have clearly defined structures and coordinated departments with clear responsibilities will help in reducing confusion. Supply chain structures should be able to respond quickly to market and economic…show more content…
A factory knows how much work it has to do daily and has clear guidelines for the work to be performed but in a hospital, the amount of work to be done by doctors, nurses etc on any given day at any point may differ from time to time. A factory management can backlog the demand to achieve more efficient levels of capacity utilization but a hospital can never do the same. A factory which is usually technologically limited should plan well in advance to add major amounts of capacities such as machinery, land etc but a hospital can add capacity faster in a short time by adding more staff and

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