Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1452 to 1519,and created many interesting things throughout those years. Da Vinci also had one many creative minds during the Italian Renaissance period. Leonardo was born on the 15th of April close to the Tuscan town of Vinci,a illegitimate son of a local lawyer. Leonardo started working for a sculpture and a painter,Andrea del Verrocchio,in Florence,Italy,in 1478. In 1483,Leonardo moved to Milan for the ruling pf Sforza family to work as a engineer,sculpture,painter,and a architect. Da Vinci was in Milan until it was invaded by the French in 1499,and was forced to leave with the family. In 1506,he returned to Milan,staying there until 1513. It was followed by a couple of years in Rome. Sometime in 1517,the

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