Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In the short book, Of Mice and Men, Lennie is constantly lonely. This can be seen in multiple parts or the book. The only person he knows well is George, but George and Lennie started to drift away when they are adjusting to their new job and George becomes more well known. An example of this is in the book when Crooks say’s “suppose George went into town tonight and you never heard of him no more” (Steinbeck 71). In this moment you realize that Lennie has nobody and when George leaves he is lonely. It is as if Lennie isn’t even a person, but a robot that is controlled by George. An example of this is when Curley starts hitting Lennie and George has to tell Lennie to fight back. Nobody really talks to Lennie because they think he is nuts and quite frankly, they aren’t wrong.…show more content…
This can be interpreted that Lennie is the lone one out because all of the other men are having a horseshoe tournament and he is sitting in the barn with the puppy he killed. Later in the chapter he becomes lonely again after he kills Curley’s wife. It takes a while before anybody even notices that Lennie is gone. The first character to find out is Candy because he is looking for Lennie and discovers Curley’s dead wife laying in the barn. You see Lennie get the most attention in the story when everyone goes looking for him to kill him. This can be seen when George say’s “don’t shoot him, he didn’t know what he was doing. (Steinbeck
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