The Time Traveler's Wife By Audrey Niffenegger

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Name: Chad Nakagawa Period: 4 Title and author: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger Number of pages in book: 532 pages Section 1 Page Range: 1-105 Dates Read: 10/3/15-10/4/15 Original Summary: On Sunday, October 26, 1991, Clare Abshire and Henry DeTamble officially meet for the first time at the Newberry Library in Chicago. Clare invites Henry to dinner and explains that she knows about his time travel condition and that she has known the older time traveling Henry since she was six. Henry is overwhelmed by the information Clare presents, but is attracted to her and ends his relationship with his girlfriend. The story cuts to when thirty-six year old Henry time travels to the first time he meets six year old Clare. Clare believes Henry of his time travel capabilities only after he vanishes before her eyes; she decides to help him whenever he reappears. Throughout Henry’s teenage years, an older…show more content…
Henry describes his father’s pitiful life as, “…He’s done it finally. Twenty-three years of determined drinking and he’s destroyed his ability to play the violin…” (Niffenegger 220). This scene describes how Mr. DeTamble has completely destroyed his ability to play the violin, the only thing everything he cared about in life, through drinking. Furthermore when miscarriage scenes take place and is described by, “…He is pale and hallow-eyed and he doesn’t say a word… I feel his stubble against my cheek and I am rubbed raw, not on my skin but deep in me, a wound opens and Henry’s face is wet but with whose tears…” (Niffenegger 325), shows much despair. The words pale, hallow-eyed, and tears give the novel a depressing tone while the context proves dismal. And to end Henry’s life, the dismal scene is portrayed as, “…Clare leans over me crying, and Alba whispers, ”Daddy”…” (Niffenegger 511). Within this excerpt, the author wants the reader to know that life is short and

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