Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is about two migrant workers Lennie and George who travel together and work together. Lennie is a dunce and cannot take care in himself and George is more intelligent but still seems to have a lack of education. But he is still able to take care of himself and also has put the responsibility on himself to take care of Lennie. In the book Lennie cannot think for himself, make proper decisions and prevents George from living the life he is fully capable of. In other words Of Mice and Men shows being responsible for someone else is a burden. In chapter six in Of Mice and Men Lennie consist of George to shun him in the way he always does because Lennie did something bad. George does it just…show more content…
He is alone and doesn't have George to help him make a decision of what to do. The wife lets Lennie pet her hair because it occurred in the conversation. Lennie petted her hair two long she didn't want it to be ruined so she tugged away and Lennie not knowing he got a grip of her hair then the violence grew leading to this scene. "he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish and then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck." (Steinbeck 91). When Lennie killed the characters wife this put tremendous stress on George of what to do with Lennie and how to get out of this. George not having a good amount of time decided it would be best if he were to kill Lennie the one person who has been with him his best friend. Killing your best friend gives you a lot of pain but it is what George felt he had to do because he is responsible for him and figured it would be best for him. As a result George having to make a hard decision that resulted in him being in a lot of pain because of Lennie's mistake shows being responsible for someone else is a…show more content…
George looking out for him he gives him instructions of where to go if he gets in trouble it being. "Lennie-ie you jus' happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here in the brush" (Steinbeck 15). With this information the reader can tell George is going into the job that Lennie is going to get himself in trouble. Which has him already thinking that he will not be able to keep this job and will have to find work again. Also he has to worry about Lennie getting himself in trouble. To clarify George being responsible for Lennie has stress put on him every time he has to go to a job and also when he is at his job. Which shows being responsible for someone else is a
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