Learnership Model Essay

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The training model that came to replace apprenticeship in South Africa was a programme known as learnership. Learnership could be described as a “modular performance based institutional training model coupled with controlled on-on-the-job training and experience” (Kraak 2004a). This model was needed in order to provide better co-ordination of trade-training nationally as well as to introduce a “system of vocational training” nationally (Karak 2004b). This programme was intended to be more structured and intuitionally-based, it aimed to produce learners who would possess the necessary skills to meet the demands of the ever growing and progressing South African and international economy (2004b). The learnership model intended to provide a more…show more content…
The programme also aimed to ensure that all theoretical and practical training undergone by the learner resulted in a “nationally-recognised qualification” (Kraak 2004b). Although the apprenticeship and learnership models were both trade-training models implemented in South Africa, these models are largely varied and each display unique characteristics and aims. One noticeable difference was the flexibility of the learnership model allowed for training for all levels of workers whereas the rigid apprenticeship model only allowed for artisan training (Kraak 2004b). The learnership model aims to provide better organised and supervised than the previous apprenticeship model (Kraak 2004a).Also, where there was an age limit of 24 years on apprentice training, learnerships aims to accommodate suitable candidates of all a wider age range (Kraak 2004b). Where the apprenticeship model placed great emphasis on practical training while neglecting theoretical knowledge, the learnership model aims to treat these areas with equal significance providing extensive

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