Learner Outcome Objectives

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Learner Outcome Objectives: Upon completion of the case study, the Upper-Level BSN students will be able to: 1. Identify ethical dilemma occurring in the hospital setting based on accurate assessment of the situation. 2. Use the multiple foundations of knowledge for management of an ethical dilemma. 3. Analyze information in a case study to identify relevant interventions based on available case data. Case Narrative Mr. Peter is an 85-year-old, African American, widower who has been admitted to St.John`s hospital`s cardiac unit several times over the past 6 years. He has a past medical history of congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes. He lives alone in a one bedroom apartment. He uses…show more content…
Mr. Peter looks very calm and is holding to a rosary in his hand. Mr. Peter tells the RN, “I have been visiting this place very often. I feel like this will be my last visit. I and my family have accepted the truth and I am ready to die”. During the history collection the RN enquires regarding the advance directive to which Mr. Peter replies, “Oh, you know I have only one son and he knows that I don`t need any heroics. We have been thinking of filling out a form but never got to it. My son will be coming soon then perhaps you can talk to him”. The RN informs the son when he arrives to the room and the son agrees to speak to the case manager and complete the advance directive. The RN puts a call out to the physician to discuss the do not resuscitate (DNR) status with the son. Meanwhile, Mr. Peter experiences cardiac arrest and the nurses perform resuscitation and the ED physician places Mr. Peter on ventilator. The son who is present at the time of the event cries out loud and tells, “Please save my Papa, don`t let him go.” The assigned RN watches helplessly at the situation and experiences ethical dilemma (Lachman,

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