Advantages And Challenges Of Micro-Learning

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Of late term micro-learning is being mentioned quite often, especially in corporate e-learning environments. Micro-learning is an emergent strategy considered pragmatic and effective as it facilitates quick closing of skill and knowledge gaps. Micro-learning simply means learning in smaller steps or portions, and best part is; it goes parallel with traditional e-learning. As said before, micro-learning targets on instructing learner in small chunks, for example - rather than delivering learner a comprehensive subject all at once, aspects of the topic are broken down into smaller chunks for better understanding. Though it is under research about how much micro-learning can be compatible as a form of formal training, but it perfectly gives…show more content…
Micro-learning successfully completes the requirement of quick results. Ideal on Tagging: Small lumps of instructional content can be easily tagged for tranquil search, content reuse and access. Fast-paced Learning Culture: Micro-learning is an appreciated solution for busy learners because it is not as disruptive as a prolonged training style. Challenges: Assured Effectiveness: There is really insufficient research executed to conclude the effectiveness of micro-learning for reaching long-term learning goals. Knowledge Fragments: Particularly for long-term learning goals, micro-learning interventions could end up as short content fragments that might not be tied together. Absence of cognitive synthesis: It is really not certain that learners will actually synthesize content from micro-learning, as material might not be adequate to construct appropriate mental facsimiles. Likely Confusing: When micro-learning solution comprises a wide variety of formats, there is a possibility where learners could have problems switching between them. Despite of its weaknesses in approach, micro-learning still be effectively utilized when it is treated with sound instructional design…show more content…
For example: training over ‘Filling an appraisal form’ will be effective when learner actually practice filling out the form within the course itself. Explain Through Real World Examples – Learner will learn meritoriously when they can actually relate themselves to content, so the key is use real world examples. Learners feel motivated when they are able to relate concepts with real world examples and hence the knowledge retention will be much quicker. Make sure to avoid too many details in your example. Use of media elements – Consider using different multimedia elements such as videos, pod-casts, infographics, or demos, this can be an effective approach of ensuring knowledge retention and creating impactful micro-learning. Media elements create a powerful visual impact on learner’s visualization that promotes smoother comprehension. Encourage learners to express their perspective – Key of effective micro-learning is learner’s involvement right from the start. Learner will learn and retain information when they relate and apply. So your course should - invoke learner’s curiosity, raise learning expectation and make learner
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