7s Model Of Safaricom

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In today’s economy every organization wants to make sure it makes as much profits as it can. Since every organization is running after the same thing, it means the competition increases. As the competition increases, in a given industry there can be only one holding the title as the market leader. Therefore, it becomes important that each and every organization gets a certain strategy to either out do the competition or to stay at the top. Safaricom has been the leader in its telecommunication industry but it has not been always that way. Before its ascends as the market leader, Celtel was the leader back then. Kodak on the other hand was the market leader when it comes to photography. Few years later, it lost its privileges to its competitor.…show more content…
The 7Ss model This model was referenced as being for the McKinsey consulting company (Daniel:2004). The 7Ss stand for the following: • Strategy: decisions made by a certain organization • Structure: the outline of hierarchy in an organization • Systems: the procedures and work flow of an organization • Staff: the people who execute the set target of the organization • Skills: the capabilities of each personnel in an organization • Style: the leadership behaviour of the management towards its staff • Shared values: what an organization stands for. This model was focusing more on the internal strategy that would make an organization become a leader. It was emphasizing that if there was to be a change it should start from inside. However, this strategy has failed in many instances due to its framework, which was not proving to be constant. 2.1.4. The 3Ss model Many scholars attempted to bring a new kind of strategy that was very simple and that could fit all organization. Therefore, this model was created and the Ss stood for Single Shot Strategy. It encompassed the strategies like: Reengineering, Total Quality Management, Time to Market, Target Return on Capital and Six Sigma. Each theory had its own time but as a stand alone, it did not manage to sustain an organization’s needs. These strategies could not survive in an ever changing environment, it could only serve for a certain period of time. However, used together they could have a certain meaning to an organization…show more content…
Threats and Opportunities Threats are anything from outside that can cause failure when it comes to reach an organization’s goal. They can be avoided or minimize with a strategy. For example when Airtel launched its UnlimiNet campaign, it was a threat to Safaricom which made Safaricom obligated to reduce its bundles prices. An opportunity on the other hand is areas that have been explored that can be a gold mine for a certain organization. The same example of Airtel and Safaricom, Safaricom stopped recently its post-paid services which in turn became an opportunity for Airtel to launch its UnlimiNet campaign which was giving almost the same benefits as post-paid services. The external environment is often unpredictable and since it comes from outside, there usually nothing that an organization can do. It can try to minimize its risks by finding the appropriate strategy but cannot influence it to its advantage. It also usually affects an organization indirectly. Internal environment on the other hand, affects an organization directly. It can be manipulated and responded to easily by an organization than an external

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