Leadership Style On Organizational Performance

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IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLES ON ORGANIZATION PERFORMENCE ABSTRACT The leadership is the only way to lead the organization where the leaders stay basically in the corporate sector. Leading is the only way to get and grow the company to a high stage, and keep in a standard position, while the leadership quality needed for the higher authority where to lead successful team and make the work smooth and successful. Every leader had a unique way of thinking and solving. The leader will have different traits and methods to solve problem and hence the leader will follow a unique strategy, the communication of leader will be always motivational to the followers. Leadership in an organization plays the key role. The different types of styles show the…show more content…
The main remember of this topic is that to escalation the leadership within the organization over all how to gain and retain the confidence and retain the relationships along the peers. The leadership quality doesn't speak only about the leading quality it also speaks about the handling the situations in a different manner. The leader should also have the quality about how to manage the things and justify a situation. The leadership quality also shows the discipline and motivated the subordinates that will affect complete organization. This research will also discuss leadership style and their main types, relationship between impact of leadership on employee performance and factors affecting the choice of leadership styles. DEFINITION: Leadership is an important function in business. Leadership and management represent two completely different business concepts. Leadership is commonly defined as establishing a clear vision, communicating the vision with others and resolving the conflicts between various individuals who are responsible for completing the company’s vision. Management is the organization and coordination of various economic resources in a business. Leadership can have a significant impact on an organization’s…show more content…
Much of it is nonverbal. For instance, when you “set the example,” that communicates to your people that you would not ask them to perform anything that you would not be willing to do. What and how you communicate either builds or harms the relationship between you and your followers. Situation: All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, you may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective. Also note that the situation normally has a greater effect on a leader's action than his or her traits. This is because while traits may have an impressive stability over a period of time, they have little consistency across situations. This is why a number of leadership scholars think the Process Theory of Leadership is a more accurate than the Trait Theory of Leadership. LEADERSHIP STYLE Leadership
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