Impact Of Leadership Style On Employee Performance

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1. Background of the study For every organization attain its desired objectives and goals there must be high interaction between the management/ leaders and the staff members. Moreover, such objectives could be realized only when employee performance is high which mainly depends on leadership style. Hence, leadership has suit the heart of issues in the business world today. A crucial factor in the leadership process is the relationship that the leader has with individual followers. The challenges of coping with today’s doubtful trade environment have put various organizations on their toes to fight for survival in the heat of competition. The heart of such strategic move towards surviving the competition is the leadership deliver by managers…show more content…
According to Awamleh (2005) inquires the transformational leadership style and other styles are direct affect on employee’s performance in UAE banking. So the Darasalam Bank has been selected in this study because of its important in the economy and the company’s outstanding contribution in Somaliland gross domestic product (GDP). More over all organization performance is major determining issue for the organization success and failures which is the cooperative effect on individual performance. It is influenced by different factors related to the individual him/her self. Working environment and leadership styles used by leaders within organization. Although, leaders’ leadership style is one of the factors that influence employees’ performance and organization success, the poor performance of organization raises questions as to the type of leadership style required to achieve the levels of employee performance necessary for the overall performance of…show more content…
1.2 Statement of the problem Leadership is one of the most crucial in our society live to improve the performance (Ather and Sobhani, 2007; Hafeez et al., 2012) then to examine the influence of leadership styles on the employee performance has a huge significance to organizational goal. A leadership style is a process in which the leader uses his or her impact to attain the company’s goals. Even though researchers believe that the leadership style of a company is primary affected by attitude of the leader and he or she plays vital role in the productiveness of the employees (e.g.: see Gadot, 2007; Furkan et al., 2010; Saleem, 2015). Leadership style can affect the satisfaction of the employees of a company both positively and negatively. Ineffectiveness of managerial development, this reflects the challenge of leaders to have a range of very specific skills such as prioritization, time management, and decision-making, Workload is very challenging at
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