Personal Statement Essay: My Passion For Medicine

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Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always had a passion for medicine. It was a topic that always intrigued me, and had grabbed my attention for as long as I can remember. Growing up there was only one person in my family who practices medicine and he’s my uncle. He lives in California, but whenever he came to Michigan he would always tell me his crazy stories he had while working. I loved how each day of work for him was different, and that he got to talk to all different types of people. I also loved that he was helping people, which was a quality that I wanted to achieve one day. I wanted to have a job that was impactful, and that made a difference in people’s lives. This is when my passion for medicine began. In highschool I was part…show more content…
I learned how many years it was, and how it differs from medical school. I learned that it is extremely competitive and its required clinical hours, which is different than medical school. I continued to go to the career fairs and talk to as manys PA’s as possible, and get there knowledge and advice. I also called different PA schools (Eastern Michigan University, Central Michigan University, and Wayne State University) and asked what they consider to be clinical hours. It turns out that each school has different prerequisite classes, and different clinical hour standards. I also learned that the average age of a PA is 26, which was something I didn’t understand. Then I realized most people have to take couple gap years to gain experience. I wasn’t a fan of the gap year idea, so I looked into ways to start adding clinical hours. Over this past winter break I got certified as a nurses aide (CNA). My plan is to get state certified soon, and start working as a CNA during the summer. I realized this may not solve my gap year problem, but thinking it over a gap year could be a good thing if I use it wisely. I also plan on getting trained as a phlebotomist this coming summer, so I have more experience than just as a CNA. After calling couple schools, I’ve realized the more variety you have, the better it

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