Essay On Smart Environment

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SMART ENVIRONMENTS S V Ramanamurthy1, Sri Uma Ravula2, and R Sree Madhavi3 1Dean R&D, senior member –IEEE, 2,3Student of 4th CSE, Pragati Engineering College Suramapalem, India (,, Abstract. Smart homes and smart cities have become the buzz words of the day. Smart environments are focussed to make a green earth by integrating different ecosystems. Smart environment includes Smart Cities (and regions), Smart Car and mobility, Smart Home and assisted living, Smart Industries, Public safety, Energy & environmental protection, Agriculture and Tourist, Smart Health etc.. The enabling technologies for smart environments are Cloud computing Internet of Things, Big Data, Robotics and Semantic technologies etc... Analysts predict that new Internet of Things (IOT) products and services will grow exponentially in next year’s. Internet of Things is an area of innovation and growth. Various application domains ranging from Green-IT and energy efficiency to logistics are starting to benefit from Internet of Things. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. This paper focuses on Internet of Things: definition, technologies and applications. Keywords: Smart…show more content…
Currently, the IoT is made up of a loose collection of disparate, purpose built networks, which are mostly not inter-connected. Today’s vehicles, for example, have multiple networks to control engine function, safety features, communications systems, and so on. Commercial and residential buildings also have various control systems for heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC); telephone service; security; and lighting. With the Internet of Things the communication is extended via Internet to all the things that surround
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