Kraft Case Study

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1) How should Kraft Canada make the brand messaging of Kraft Singles compelling to Canadian millennial moms? (In your response to this question, be sure to look at the marketing strategies and concepts from Chapters 2-5.) The millennial are between the age groups of 18 and 32 years. The population of millennial mom was more compared to baby boomers and the generation Xers. They are much more educated and have knowledge in using the web. Canadian Millennial moms pay more attention to the ads on Internet or mobile devices compared to baby boomers and generation Xers. A report from 2015 state of modern motherhood has shown that the Canadian Millennial moms are paying 71 percent more attention to the ads compared to generation Xers.…show more content…
In wholesale grocery stores like Costco, we can find people offering the samples to the customers for tasting. They also explain the value and quality of their product. This is a type of advertising to promote the sales of a product. In restaurants, dishes made with Kraft singles cheese can be given as a complimentary to millennial moms. All these innovative thinking can draw the attention of the millennial moms. Having a partnership with cooking shows and showing some recipes that can be cooked by using the Kraft single cheese can also help to promote the…show more content…
Concentrating on a new group of the customer should not be a cause to lose the conventional customers. Keeping the older customers is also a promising thing to the company because they have been loyal in using the Kraft products and the company is also familiar with the preferences of the old customers unlike that of millennial moms. The tastes and preferences of the millennial moms were not tested and were a new segment unlike that of the old customers. So Kraft Canada must make sure that it should not lose the conventional customers in pursuing Canadian millennial moms. Customers are the center of business and act as a prime reason for many companies’ success. Without the old customer, the Kraft might not have gained the focus of millennial Canadian moms. So the old customers had laid a foundation for the penetration of Kraft products into the millennial moms. Although Kraft was trying to innovate and introduce new cheese into the market to attract the millennial moms, it should also continue with producing the traditional cheese with same packaging and taste in order to retain their core customer

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