Juvenile Justice System

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The Canadian government has clearly exhibited an inability in enforcing the provisions enshrined under the CRC without any reservations. Although the most significant reason for this maybe public pressure and public perception of an increment in youth crime, the government has failed to allocate enough funds in the youth justice sector. “Within the realm of juvenile justice, there is evidence that a better-informed public is a less punitive public” Perhaps the government has not done enough to educate the Canadian masses about the true nature of juvenile crime and the reasons for the same. Although this would be dealt with exhaustively in the section on adult sentencing below, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (sixty-first session,…show more content…
B of the report observed “31. The committee urges the State party to ensure the full compliance of all national provisions on the definition of the child with article 1 of the Convention, in particular to ensure that all children under 18 cannot be tried as adults and all children under 18 who are victims of sexual exploitation receive appropriate protection.” While the committee expressed concern over the “significant overrepresentation of Aboriginal and African-Canadian children in the criminal justice system and out-of-home care, similar to committee’s recommendation in 1995 , the committee “urges the state party (Canada) to strengthen its efforts to ensure that he principle of the best interests of the child is appropriately integrated and consistently applied in all legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings as well as in all policies, programmes and projects relevant to and with an impact on…show more content…
10(2007).” The committee lastly urged the state party (Canada) to (a) increase the minimum age of criminal responsibility; (b) Ensure that no person under 18 is tried as an adult, irrespective of the circumstances or the gravity of his/her offence; (c) Develop alternatives to detention by increasing the use of extrajudicial measures, such as diversion, and ensure the protection of privacy of children within the juvenile justice system; (d) Develop guidelines for restraint and use of force against children in arrest and detention for use by all law enforcement officers and personnel in detention facilities, including the abolishment of use of tasers; (e) conduct an extensive study of systemic overrepresentation of

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