Juvenile Delinquency In The Juvenile Justice System

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“During the 21st century, concerns over delinquency in general, and violent delinquency most particular grew in the juvenile justice system” (Cox, S., Allen, J., Hanser, R., Conrad, J. 2013). This system was put in place to reduce the juvenile crime, violence, and victimization, then put the teens back into society reformed. Before the juveniles are sent to juvenile jails, the juvenile court provides due process, care, rehabilitation, while protecting society (Cox, S., Allen, J., Hanser, R., Conrad, J. 2013). Many states in the beginning of the juvenile system, increased the penalty for the young offender. By the 20th century, many state laws were blurred when it came to the boundaries that could be used against the offender. To this day,…show more content…
They look at their one room cells with a bed, sink, desk and toilet. Most kids are Black, Latino/Latina youth compared tot the White kids that are institutionalized in they system (Rodriguez, N. 2013). Within the kids in one incarceration area, 15 to 30 percent have ADHD, 11 to 32 percent have PTSD, and 3 to 7 percent have bipolar disorder. With in this count of offenders that have a diagnosis, there are kids who just did a crime and want to do their time but have a socialization around them who may rub off on them and change their way of thinking. The goal of the system is to rehabilitate and get the offender back to their life, but not let the offender follow others bad decisions who cannot help it. There was a study done on reasons why the juvenile justice system needs to be reformed or abolished. There were 5 reasons given to why there needs to be a change. The first is that the unnecessary incarceration of the offenders. In 2010, there were 59,000 youth under the age of 18 confined in juvenile facilities. Out of that number, 1 of 4 committed a serious offense, and 1 in 5 were confined for status offense or technical violations (Bolger K.…show more content…
Most of the juvenile’s pods house twenty to forty students. The pods are two story cells, accompanied by a few one by one windows on the second floor (Young-Alfaro, M., 2017). What makes the juveniles minds wonder and go under a psychological change is the amount of time spend in those pods. They study, do school, extracurricular activities, sleeping eating, and meetings of outside professionals such as public defenders (Young-Alfaro, M.,

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