Adult Justice Vs. Juvenile Justice System

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to distinguish the difference and similarity between the adult Justice System and Juvenile Justice System. The Juvenile Justice System main function is to rehabilitate the delinquent juveniles who have committed criminal acts and to help them function in today’s society. It is more resolute to rehabilitate a minor than to punish them for things they do that they don’t understand. In some situation it may could be more necessary to punish a juvenile, but punishing a delinquent minor is usually the last resort. In the Adult Justice System, the main function is also to rehabilitate adults but in the process of making them accountable for the crimes they have committed. Adults receive a punishment that…show more content…
The courts wanted to safeguard juvenile delinquents from the severe punishment that they could possibly face in adult justice system. History shows that juveniles were prosecuted and imprisoned with adults. “In the early nineteenth century, the idea of reforming youth offenders took root in the United States & the House of Refuge in New York, which opened in 1824, was the first juvenile house of reform in the United States, ”(History of Juvenile, 2015). This attempt was the first one made for the placement of juvenile offenders in a facility separate from that of adult offenders. Cook County of Illinois established the first juvenile court system back in 1899. After the first court system was developed more juvenile courts started to be formed (Walker and Shapiro, 2004). Throughout thirty years all states had generated a juvenile court. At the time the courts created the Juvenile Justice System, delinquents did not have constitutional rights in the juvenile court system. Around the 1960’s the Supreme Court made the decision, to create constitutional rights for juvenile offenders. The Supreme Court required that all youth offenders involved that were going to court or through legal proceedings to have the following constitutional rights (History of Juvenile,…show more content…
This procedure makes a decision on whether or not to arrest juveniles or should they be released under special conditions, such as being released in the custody of their parents. Another condition on the release of a juvenile could be they are released, but referred to a community resources. For the most part juvenile proceedings follow that of the criminal court proceedings. The major players of the court is still involved as if you were in criminal court. There will still be a judge, prosecutor, defense, and bench tables. The prosecutors are present to file petitions or petitions that other individuals has filed. These petitions explain why the youth must appear in court. If a petition is filed on a youth it is said that they fell within categories such as a neglected youth, a status offender, or a delinquent, (Champion, 2008). In the majority of the jurisdiction, the judge has the right to make any decision based on the child’s needs. The judge also makes the decision on how the court will be conducted. “Juvenile defendants alleged to have committed various crimes may or may not be granted a trial by a jury,” (Champion 2008). There are only a few states that may grant a jury for juveniles. The judge hears all evidence in a juvenile case then he would make a decision in reference to the matter at hand or he would adjudicate (make a judgement or take an action on the petition

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