Juvenile Justice Cases

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Courts The concept of juvenile justice includes the informal nature of juvenile justice, which is contrary to the traditional notion of strictly regulated in the law court proceedings. Juvenile courts should certainly occupy a central place in the juvenile criminal justice system, but that is not enough. It is urgent that they work effectively; it is necessary for the simultaneous creation and operation of a full-fledged juvenile investigation, juvenile prosecutors, juvenile legal profession, as well as special infrastructure (buildings, special rehabilitation centers for minors, etc.). Improved legal protection of minors involves providing them with additional guarantees to protect their rights and legitimate interests. This requirement is…show more content…
There is an old saying that "hurt people hurt people." Error juvenile justice is to only focus on the delinquent acts of young people, while not able to solve a major injury, which led to the behavior. Instead of having to deal effectively with young people suffered injuries, the system of juvenile justice often exacerbate it. Numerous studies have shown that the imprisonment of young people has profound negative effects on them. Several reports have also shown that the surveillance test makes youth less risk worse. The system of juvenile justice must take advantage of research that has developed risk assessment tools, which are able to effectively separate the young people of high and low risk. This is efficient and effective to focus the limited resources of probation agencies at the highest risk of young people in the system, with the ultimate intervention, detention in a juvenile being used only for the part of young people, which are the legitimate security…show more content…
Practitioners of juvenile justice should be consulted on a regular basis as a source of information for the assessment of prominent reform of juvenile justice. The projected savings based on the fact that private agencies increased security is currently charging, and not what they will charge to hold the youth in the maximum security currently held in state operated facilities. Practitioners, including probation officers, public defenders, prosecutors, judges, judicial and juvenile justice administrators constitute the major source of information on the implementation and impact of the reform of juvenile justice. However, on a national basis, there is no one-to-date directory to identify and to contact these individuals. As a result, there is no easy way to use this important source of information. There is the need of creation of a directory for the counties, covering the most metropolitan areas of the country. The questions relating to ethics and integrity of the role of the private group in the future systems of juvenile justice can have serious consequences if efforts to reduce
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