Juvenile Vs Adult Justice System

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Juvenile vs Adult Justice Systems, is a topic many continue to converse about. The similarities and differences that either affects or deter the behavior of juvenile offenders remains the primary issue. Unlike adult offenders, youth brought into court process includes a private hearing including social history and legal elements, as opposed to an open public proceedings older offenders undergo. These youthful offenders are given the opportunity of succeeding both within rehabilitation, and in change (Juvenile vs Adult Justice, 1995-2014). These individuals will in fact learn from punishment, and become successful when reentered back into society. Many of the courts feel that offenders are capable of change and productivity, which is the reason…show more content…
Law enforcement in fact, withhold the decision of utilizing preventative detention, due to safety concerns. These systems are definitely different, for the fact that adults in the criminal system, rehabilitation is not based around goals. This system is said to operate, feeling as though criminal sanctions be equal to the crime. The primary goal at this time for adult justice systems is deterrence and enforcing punishment. In fact today’s juvenile justice system is seen just as that of adults, quick to incarcerate and exclude from society, as well as individuals being transferred throughout systems. These proceedings are in fact a bit different from the regular adult trials, first time youthful offenders cases are sent to diversion. While adult offenders are put on trial, based solely on legal…show more content…
To begin juvenile diversion addressed the process of entering juvenile accused of law-violation defiance into programs to assist and deter the placement into the justice system, and becoming labeled a “delinquent” (p 358). Both adult and juvenile diversion systems have been known for their effectiveness. By involving the community, and giving a voice to the victims, reports have revealed that those who participated in these programs didn’t become re-offenders. These programs dealt with cases in a less timely fashion, was cost-effective, and worked towards removing non-violent offenders from the justice systems. Diversion programs were for those who wished to learn from their actions and make changes to what’s been done. For those who wish to partake in these programs must get accepted and complete the program in order for charges to be dismissed. If not then the offender is then mandated to determine his/her case in the court of law (p

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