Jury In Criminal Justice

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Grand Jury hears the facts of the case as laid out by the Prosecution and determines if the suspect is indicted on the charges. If indicted the suspect now becomes a defendant. In this step the Grand Jury allows the State to prove that they have met the standards to charge a person with an offense. At arraignment suspect hears a reading of the charges against them has the right to enter a plea of guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere. Trials occur when a plea deal cannot be reached, in most cases plea agreements are reached. However, in a trial witnesses are called and evidence is presented. They can be heard by a Judge or in front of a Jury. After a defendant is convicted or pleads guilty, a judge will decide on the appropriate punishment.…show more content…
Judicial waiver is the most popular method. Usually the State bears the burden of proof to show that a juvenile should be transferred to adult court. Presumptive waiver shifts the burden of proof to the juvenile to show that he or she should not be transferred. State policymakers designate different ages at which individuals no longer may be adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court. . Beyond those ages, individuals are deemed to be adults and must be held criminally responsible for their actions and prosecuted in criminal court. Juvenile court judges may weigh a variety of factors in determining whether to waive juveniles to adult court. These factors include the seriousness of the offense, need to protect the community, whether the alleged offense was committed in an aggressive, violent, premeditated, whether the offense was against a person or property, the prosecutive merit of the complaint, whether the juvenile's associates will be tried in adult court, the juvenile's sophistication, maturity, record, and previous history, and the reasonable likelihood of…show more content…
If the Court decides to abolish the Juvenile Court System, the young juveniles would have to be placed in adult prisons, but due to the crowding in the adult prison, only the juveniles that have committed the most dangerous crimes, would go to prison. The others would most likely receive extra time on probation. [The juveniles that need counseling services and educational programming will not receive it. Juveniles will also receive a stiffer punishment in the adult criminal court. The Juvenile justice system differs greatly from the adult criminal justice system in almost every aspect of the process. From the time the juvenile is taken to the system the decision as to whether or not the case remained in the juvenile system or is waived to adult system and thru adjudication and post adjudication process. The juvenile justice system has many different steps and considers a great many things when adjudicating a juvenile delinquent. Juvenile offenders are treated differently than adults throughout the system with the main emphasis being on the long-term rehabilitation of the juvenile. It is very important to provide rehabilitation for juveniles so they change their behavior and way of

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