Jung's Personality Typology

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The format of the assessment(s) 4.1 Construct definitions The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed to measure the variables in Jung’s personality typology. Currently there are three versions of the MBTI instrument: MBTI Step I, MBTI Step II and MBTI Step III. This assignment focuses on the Step I of the measure (Quenk: 2009). It is a self-report indicator (Van: 1992) and aims to measure 4 pairs of constructs or preferences: 1. Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), 2. Sensing (S) or Intuition (N), 3. Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) and 4. Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). According to Myers et al., (2009) extraversion or introversion constructs measure where one gets one’s energy: one’s preferred orientation to the world. Extraverted…show more content…
They have the tendency to appreciate art, music, poetry and beauty, try new and different activities, and possess intellectual curiosity and a vivid imagination (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). The five facets are: aesthetics, actions, values, ideas and imagination. Conscientiousness indicates the degree to which a person is organised and responsible (Metzer et al., 2014). The degree to which an individual is effective and efficient in their planning, organising and carrying out of tasks; (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013) the tendency to keep everything neat and tidy and to be methodical (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). The five facets of conscientiousness are: order, self-discipline, dutifulness, effort and prudence. Extraversion is the degree to which an individual has a cheerful temperament, likes or enjoys being around other people and enjoys excitement and stimulation (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). Individuals with extraversion tend to enjoy entertaining and leading or dominating large groups of people and frequently experience joy, happiness, love, enthusiasm and optimism (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). Extraversion consists of the following five facets: ascendance, liveliness, positive affectivity, gregariousness and…show more content…
An additional 7 items were added as well as the scale for social desirability, which consists of 13 items (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). Therefore, the current version of the BTI measure consists of 193 items (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). The BTI measure items are grouped according to their corresponding facet and also grouped according to each factor (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). This helps respondents to understand and contextualise the statements given (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). The measure requires respondents to indicate to what degree they agree with a particular statement (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). Each item is rated on a five-point Likert scale, with possible responses ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) (Taylor & De Bruin, 2013). Each item is kept as short as possible (Taylor & De Bruin,

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