Myers Briggs Test

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According the Myers Briggs test I scored to be and extrovert rather than introvert and having good judgment skills rather than prioritization skills. I can with confidence that I agreed with my score. I have always been an extrovert since I was young, I was never the type to sit and watch, always wanting to be involved with any activity that was going. Being an extrovert naturally comes with many benefits. One of them is being very social, which comes with making friends easily. From since I could remember I never had a problem with making friends. Everywhere I would either if it was the mall, school or the doctor's office, I always had the urge to meet someone new. Many may think that I am too social but how are you supposed to meet new people…show more content…
Making friends at a new school was the least of my problems because I knew my outgoing personality would have me a group of friends to hang out with before the week ends. It was a gloomy morning on the first day I attended Vista Murrieta High, but I had a good feeling about the day. Looking out the window as my dad pulled into the schools drop student drop off parking lot. The first thing I saw was all the football players hanging out in front of the school. As the first school bell rang, I thought in my head “that is going to be me hanging with football players in no time.” I got out the car as my father shouted, “ have a good first day of school son and good…show more content…
A guy named Tyler who was the running back that was on the football team that I met on my first day Vista Murrieta, to this day he is still one of my closest friends. The second I was introduced to him during lunch we immediately related to whatever the conversation was about and from that second on I knew that he was someone I could trust. We went through a lot of the similar situations in life. Not only was he a football player who was trying to make it to the national football league but he was also the new kid at the school just a few weeks before I attended Vista Murrieta. The reason why I did not second guess his friendship or loyalty was because we clicked the second we met. When you meet someone and instantly you can relate to whatever the topic and you are being yourself and not trying to impress anyone you can tell the friendship is
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