Joan Chittister's The Gift Of Years

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Legacies are not for today, however they start today. Each day of life is a brand new opportunity to impact the life of another being. The Gift of Years (pages 215-222) by Joan Chittister is a surprisingly, interesting read about aging gracefully and spiritually. The insert supports my own thoughts and beliefs more than rejects them. Through the reading, I was checking myself. How will my loved ones remember me? Would I be thought of as someone who touched their lives in a positive way? Did I have an impact on their heart? Did I lead them closer to Jesus or straight to hell? These questions helped me to see where I need to change my legacy. The first part of the article, Legacy, describes legacies of those gone on before us. It entails how a wasted life would be one that lived without proof except wrinkles. The legacy of money differs from the immaterial legacy of true enrichment. The immaterial legacy will possibly assist others. However, toughing their hearts will outlast any amount of money. Kindness, generosity, love and appreciation can be shared for generations to come. I agree with the…show more content…
Building a better relationship with God will help us build a better relationship with people. If we see people as God sees us, our direction of approach will change. God loves us no matter how much we sin. God loves us when we don’t even love him. A great relationship with God will help us to avoid judging so harshly and focusing on their inadequacies. We all have areas in which we don’t measure up. Neglecting God or the relationships will tarnish our legacy. We are going to be remembered by our actions. Will those actions be bound by God, love, acceptance, and positivity? Or will those actions be the

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